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Reconditioned SeQual eQuinox Portable Oxygen Concentrator

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SeQual itself introduced a remarkable model eQuinox which is smaller and lighter version of Eclipse 5 with added features like Multi Language voice interface.


This package includes:

  • Reconditioned eQuinox POC with 6 month warranty
  • Travel Cart
  • 1 double size battery
  • 2 standard size battery
  • AC charger for home
  • DC Charger for car


What you would like about SeQual eQuinox:

  • 9 pulse settings with bolus up to 192 mL
  • 2 modes: Continuous & Pulse (On demand) flow
  • Multi language voice interface - machine announces key events like battery remaining, service needed,etc.
  • Adjustable Rise Time
  • Sensitivity adjustment
  • Can be used with CPAP/ Bi Level Devices
  • FAA approved – Approved for airplane use
  • LCD Screen displays estimated time left on the battery
  • Car charger does not have a brick like bulky transformer - It is just a wire
  • AutoSat technology - machine changes the dose delivered according to patient’s needs


Compact machine with the dimensions of 13.6" H x 10.6" W x 7" D.

About 30% smaller than SeQual Eclipse.



Sequal eQuinox weighs 6.4 kg (14 lbs) with the 12 cell battery placed inside it.

The POC is:

  • 2.2 kg lighter than DeVilbissiGo
  • 2.6 kg lighter than Invacare Solo 2
  • 1.9 kg lighter than SeQual Eclipse
  • 2.0 kg heavier than Philips Respironics SimplyGo

SeQual has done an incredible job in retaining the features of Eclipse 5 in a much more compact body.


2 modes:

  • Continuous flow
  • Pulse (On demand) Flow

Continuous Flow

Provides Continuous flow from 0.5 LPM to 3 LPM with increments of 0.5.

Pulse Flow

SeQual eQuinox is the only POC in market which provides such a massive oxygen bolus. Its Pulse dose mode with 192 mL bolus is almost equivalent to the continuous flow of 7-8 LPM.

Bolus for Pulse Settings:

Setting 1 - 16 mL
Setting 2 - 32 mL
Setting 3 - 48 mL
Setting 4 - 64 mL
Setting 5 - 80 mL
Setting 6 - 96 mL
Setting 7 - 128 mL
Setting 8 - 160 mL
Setting 9 - 192 mL


A remarkable feature that eQuinox has retained from Eclipse 5 is the adjustable pulse trigger sensitivity.

The SeQual eQuinox provides 3 sensitivity settings ranging from 1-3 where patients making more efforts to breath can choose high sensitivity settings.

Oxygen Purity

90% (+5.5% / -3%) in operating range @ sea level.

Power Sources

The SeQual eQuinox POC works on 3 sources:

  • Rechargeable battery
  • AC Mains
  • DC Source (like car charger)


Sequal eQuinox, comes with a removable standard 12 cell battery. There is an option of buying a 24 cell battery to almost double the battery duration.

SeQual eQuinox Battery Duration Chart
Continuous Mode
Continuous Flow 12-Cell Battery 24-Cell Battery
0.5 2.48 hours 5.28 hours
1 2.16 hours 4.84 hours
2 1.21 hours 2.75 hours
3 0.80 hours 1.84 hours
SeQual eQuinox Battery Duration Chart
Pulse Mode
Setting 12-Cell Battery 24-Cell Battery
16mL (1 setting) 2.82 hours 6.03 hours
32mL (2 setting) 2.78 hours 5.94 hours
48mL (3 setting) 2.38 hours 5.39 hours
64mL (4 setting) 2.31 hours 4.94 hours
80mL (5 setting) 2.22 hours 4.75 hours
96mL (6 setting) 1.70 hours 3.85 hours
128mL (7 setting) 1.56 hours 3.33 hours
160mL (8 setting) 1.28 hours 2.72 hours
192mL (9 setting) 1 hour 2.15 hours

Recharge time from fully depleted state

  • 1.5 hours to 3.5 hours to reach 80% charge depending on the flow setting being used.

LCD Screen

LCD Screen displays the following:

  • Mode of Operation- Continuous ‘C’ or Pulse ‘P
  • The flow setting
  • Estimated time left on the battery – a very useful feature.